3.3 Running applications

Each application is designed to be executed from a terminal command line, typically reading and writing a set of data files associated with a particular case. The data files for a case are stored in a directory named after the case as described in section 4.1 ; the directory name with full path is here given the generic name <caseDir>.

For any application, the form of the command line entry for any can be found by simply entering the application name at the command line with the -help option, e.g. typing

    foamRun -help
returns the usage

    Usage: foamRun [OPTIONS]
      -case <dir>       specify alternate case directory, default is cwd
      -fileHandler <handler>
                        override the fileHandler
      -hostRoots <((host1 dir1) .. (hostN dirN))>
                        slave root directories for distributed running
      -libs '("lib1.so" ... "libN.so")'
                        pre-load libraries
                        do not execute functionObjects
      -parallel         run in parallel
      -roots <(dir1 .. dirN)>
                        slave root directories for distributed running
      -solver <name>    Solver name
      -srcDoc           display source code in browser
      -doc              display application documentation in browser
      -help             print the usage
If the application is executed from within a case directory, it will operate on that case. Alternatively, the -case <caseDir> option allows the case to be specified directly so that the application can be executed from anywhere in the filing system.

Like any UNIX/Linux executable, applications can be run as a background process, i.e. one which does not have to be completed before the user can give the shell additional commands. If the user wished to run the foamRun example as a background process and output the case progress to a log file, they could enter:

    foamRun > log &
OpenFOAM v12 User Guide - 3.3 Running applications
OpenFOAM User Guide