[version 12][version 11][version 10][version 9][version 8][version 7][version 6]
Chapter 7 Post-processing
This chapter describes options for post-processing with OpenFOAM. Post-processing in its most general sense involves data processing (processing results) and visualisation. The functionality for data processing is described in sections 7.2 , 7.3 and 7.4 . For visualisation, OpenFOAM relies on ParaView, a third-party open source application described in the example cases in chapter 2, with some additional information provided in the following section 7.1 . Other methods of visualisation using third party software are described in section 7.5 .
ParaView/paraFoam graphical user interface
7.1.1 Overview of ParaView/paraFoam
7.1.2 The Parameters panel
7.1.3 The Display panel
7.1.4 The button toolbars
7.1.5 Manipulating the view
7.1.6 Contour plots
7.1.7 Vector plots
7.1.8 Streamlines
7.1.9 Image output
7.1.10 Animation output
7.2 Post-processing command line interface (CLI)
7.2.1 Run-time data processing
7.2.2 The foamPostProcess utility
7.3 Post-processing functionality
7.3.1 Field calculation
7.3.2 Field operations
7.3.3 Forces and force coefficients
7.3.4 Sampling for graph plotting
7.3.5 Lagrangian data
7.3.6 Volume fields
7.3.7 Numerical data
7.3.8 Control
7.3.9 Pressure tools
7.3.10 Combustion
7.3.11 Multiphase
7.3.12 Probes
7.3.13 Surface fields
7.3.14 Meshing
7.3.15 ‘Pluggable’ solvers
7.3.16 Visualisation tools
7.4 Sampling and monitoring data
7.4.1 Probing data
7.4.2 Sampling for graphs
7.4.3 Sampling for visualisation
7.4.4 Live monitoring of data
7.5 Third-Party post-processing
7.5.1 Post-processing with Ensight
7.1.1 Overview of ParaView/paraFoam
7.1.2 The Parameters panel
7.1.3 The Display panel
7.1.4 The button toolbars
7.1.5 Manipulating the view
7.1.6 Contour plots
7.1.7 Vector plots
7.1.8 Streamlines
7.1.9 Image output
7.1.10 Animation output
7.2 Post-processing command line interface (CLI)
7.2.1 Run-time data processing
7.2.2 The foamPostProcess utility
7.3 Post-processing functionality
7.3.1 Field calculation
7.3.2 Field operations
7.3.3 Forces and force coefficients
7.3.4 Sampling for graph plotting
7.3.5 Lagrangian data
7.3.6 Volume fields
7.3.7 Numerical data
7.3.8 Control
7.3.9 Pressure tools
7.3.10 Combustion
7.3.11 Multiphase
7.3.12 Probes
7.3.13 Surface fields
7.3.14 Meshing
7.3.15 ‘Pluggable’ solvers
7.3.16 Visualisation tools
7.4 Sampling and monitoring data
7.4.1 Probing data
7.4.2 Sampling for graphs
7.4.3 Sampling for visualisation
7.4.4 Live monitoring of data
7.5 Third-Party post-processing
7.5.1 Post-processing with Ensight
OpenFOAM v11 User Guide - Chapter 7 Post-processing