[version 12][version 11][version 10][version 9][version 8][version 7][version 6]
7.3 Post-processing functionality
The packaged function objects are catalogued in this section. Each packaged function object is a configuration file stored in $FOAM_ETC/caseDicts/postProcessing. As a reminder, they can be listed by the following command.
foamPostProcess -list
7.3.1 Field calculation
- age
- Calculates and writes out the time taken for a particle to travel from an inlet to the location.
- components
- Writes the component scalar fields (e.g. Ux, Uy, Uz) of a field (e.g. U).
- CourantNo
- Calculates the Courant Number field from the flux field.
- ddt
- Calculates the Eulerian time derivative of a field.
- div
- Calculates the divergence of a field.
- enstrophy
- Calculates the enstrophy of the velocity field.
- fieldAverage
- Calculates and writes the time averages of a given list of fields.
- flowType
- Calculates and writes the flowType of velocity field where: -1 = rotational flow; 0 = simple shear flow; +1 = planar extensional flow.
- grad
- Calculates the gradient of a field.
- Lambda2
- Calculates and writes the second largest eigenvalue of the sum of the square of the symmetrical and anti-symmetrical parts of the velocity gradient tensor.
- log
- Calculates the natural logarithm of the specified scalar field.
- MachNo
- Calculates the Mach Number field from the velocity field.
- mag
- Calculates the magnitude of a field.
- magSqr
- Calculates the magnitude-squared of a field.
- massFractions
- Calculates mass-fraction fields from mole-fraction fields, or moles fields, and a multi-component thermophysical model.
- moleFractions
- Calculates mole-fraction fields from the mass-fraction fields of a multi-component thermophysical model.
- PecletNo
- Calculates the Peclet Number field from the flux field.
- Q
- Calculates the second invariant of the velocity gradient tensor.
- randomise
- Adds a random component to a field, with a specified perturbation magnitude.
- reconstruct
- Calculates the reconstruction of a field; e.g. to construct a cell-centred velocity U from the face-centred flux phi.
- scale
- Multiplies a field by a scale factor
- shearStress
- Calculates the shear stress, outputting the data as a volSymmTensorField.
- streamFunction
- Writes the stream-function pointScalarField, calculated from the specified flux surfaceScalarField.
- surfaceInterpolate
- Calculates the surface interpolation of a field.
- totalEnthalpy
- Calculates and writes the total enthalpy
as the volScalarField
- turbulenceFields
- Calculates specified turbulence fields and stores it on the database.
- turbulenceIntensity
- Calculates and writes the turbulence intensity field I.
- vorticity
- Calculates the vorticity field, i.e. the curl of the velocity field.
- wallHeatFlux
- Calculates the heat flux at wall patches, outputting the data as a volVectorField.
- wallHeatTransferCoeff
- Calculates the estimated incompressible flow heat transfer coefficient at wall patches, outputting the data as a volScalarField.
- wallShearStress
- Calculates the shear stress at wall patches, outputting the data as a volVectorField.
- writeCellCentres
- Writes the cell-centres volVectorField and the three component fields as volScalarFields; useful for post-processing thresholding.
- writeCellVolumes
- Writes the cell-volumes volScalarField
- writeVTK
- Writes out specified objects in VTK format, e.g. fields, stored on the case database.
- yPlus
- Calculates the turbulence y+, outputting the data as a yPlus field.
7.3.2 Field operations
- add
- Add a list of fields.
- divide
- From the first field, divide the remaining fields in the list.
- multiply
- Multiply a list of fields.
- subtract
- From the first field, subtracts the remaining fields in the list.
- uniform
- Create a uniform field.
7.3.3 Forces and force coefficients
- forceCoeffsCompressible
- Calculates lift, drag and moment coefficients by summing forces on specified patches for a case where the solver is compressible (pressure is in units M/(LTˆ2), e.g. Pa).
- forceCoeffsIncompressible
- Calculates lift, drag and moment coefficients by summing forces on specified patches for a case where the solver is incompressible (pressure is kinematic, e.g. mˆ2/sˆ2).
- forcesCompressible
- Calculates pressure and viscous forces over specified patches for a case where the solver is compressible (pressure is in units M/(LTˆ2), e.g. Pa).
- forcesIncompressible
- Calculates pressure and viscous forces over specified patches for a case where the solver is incompressible (pressure is kinematic, e.g. mˆ2/sˆ2).
7.3.4 Sampling for graph plotting
- graphCell
- Writes graph data for specified fields along a line, specified by start and end points. One graph point is generated in each cell that the line intersects.
- graphUniform
- Writes graph data for specified fields along a line, specified by start and end points. A specified number of graph points are used, distributed uniformly along the line.
- graphCellFace
- Writes graph data for specified fields along a line, specified by start and end points. One graph point is generated on each face and in each cell that the line intersects.
- graphFace
- Writes graph data for specified fields along a line, specified by start and end points. One graph point is generated on each face that the line intersects.
- graphLayerAverage
- Generates plots of fields averaged over the layers in the mesh.
- graphPatchCutLayerAverage
- Writes graphs of patch face values, area-averaged in planes perpendicular to a given direction. It adaptively grades the distribution of graph points to match the resolution of the mesh
7.3.5 Lagrangian data
- dsmcFields
- Calculate intensive fields UMean, translationalT, internalT, overallT from averaged extensive fields from a DSMC calculation.
- stopAtEmptyClouds
- Stops the run when all clouds are empty, i.e. have no particles.
7.3.6 Volume fields
- cellMax
- Writes out the maximum cell value for one or more fields.
- cellMaxMag
- Writes out the maximum cell value magnitude for one or more fields.
- cellMin
- Writes out the minimum cell value for one or more fields.
- cellMinMag
- Writes out the maximum cell value magnitude for one or more fields.
- volAverage
- Writes out the volume-weighted average of one or more fields.
- volIntegrate
- Writes out the volume integral of one or more fields.
7.3.7 Numerical data
- residuals
- For specified fields, writes out the initial residuals for the first solution of each time step; for non-scalar fields (e.g. vectors), writes the largest of the residuals for each component (e.g. x, y, z).
7.3.8 Control
- adjustTimeStepToChemistry
- Adjusts the time step to a chemistry model’s bulk chemical time scales
- adjustTimeStepToCombustion
- Adjusts the time step to a combustion model’s bulk reaction time scales
- stopAtClockTime
- Stops the run when the specified clock time in second has been reached and optionally write results before stopping.
- stopAtFile
- Stops the run when the file stop is created in the case directory.
- stopAtTimeStep
- Stops the run if the time-step drops below the specified value in seconds and optionally write results before stopping.
- time
- Writes run time, CPU time and clock time and optionally the CPU and clock times per time step.
- timeStep
- Writes the time step to a file for monitoring.
- writeObjects
- Writes out specified objects, e.g. fields, stored on the case database.
7.3.9 Pressure tools
- staticPressureIncompressible
- Calculates the pressure field in normal units, i.e. Pa in SI, from kinematic pressure by scaling by a specified density.
- totalPressureCompressible
- Calculates the total pressure field in normal units, i.e. Pa in SI, for a case where the solver is compressible.
- totalPressureIncompressible
- Calculates the total pressure field for a
case where the solver is incompressible, in kinematic units,
in SI.
7.3.10 Combustion
- Qdot
- Calculates and outputs the heat release rate for the current combustion model.
- XiReactionRate
- Writes the turbulent flame-speed and reaction-rate volScalarFields for the Xi-based combustion models.
7.3.11 Multiphase
- populationBalanceMoments
- Calculates and writes out integral (integer moments) or mean properties (mean, variance, standard deviation) of a size distribution computed with multiphaseEulerFoam. Requires solver post-processing.
- phaseForces
- Calculates the blended interfacial forces acting on a given phase, i.e. drag, virtual mass, lift, wall-lubrication and turbulent dispersion. Note that it works only in solver post-processing mode and in combination with multiphaseEulerFoam. For a simulation involving more than two phases, the accumulated force is calculated by looping over all phasePairs the phase is a part of.
- phaseMap
- Writes the phase-fraction map field alpha.map with incremental value ranges for each phase e.g., with values 0 for water, 1 for air, 2 for oil, etc.
- populationBalanceSizeDistribution
- Writes out the size distribution computed with multiphaseEulerFoam for the entire domain or a volume region. Requires solver post-processing.
- wallBoilingProperties
- Looks up wall boiling wall functions and collects and writes out out fields of bubble departure diameter, bubble departure frequency, nucleation site density, effective liquid fraction at the wall, quenching heat flux, and evaporative heat flux.
7.3.12 Probes
- boundaryProbes
- Writes out values of fields at a cloud of points, interpolated to specified boundary patches.
- interfaceHeight
- Reports the height of the interface above a set of locations. For each location, it writes the vertical distance of the interface above both the location and the lowest boundary. It also writes the point on the interface from which these heights are computed.
- internalProbes
- Writes out values of fields interpolated to a specified cloud of points.
- probes
- Writes out values of fields from cells nearest to specified locations.
7.3.13 Surface fields
- faceZoneAverage
- Calculates the average value of one or more fields on a faceZone.
- faceZoneFlowRate
- Calculates the flow rate through a specified face zone by summing the flux on patch faces. For solvers where the flux is volumetric, the flow rate is volumetric; where flux is mass flux, the flow rate is mass flow rate.
- patchAverage
- Calculates the average value of one or more fields on a patch.
- patchDifference
- Calculates the difference between the average values of fields on two specified patches. Calculates the average value of one or more fields on a patch.
- patchFlowRate
- Calculates the flow rate through a specified patch by summing the flux on patch faces. For solvers where the flux is volumetric, the flow rate is volumetric; where flux is mass flux, the flow rate is mass flow rate.
- patchIntegrate
- Calculates the surface integral of one or more fields on a patch.
- triSurfaceAverage
- Calculates the average on a specified triangulated surface by interpolating onto the triangles and integrating over the surface area. Triangles need to be small (¡= cell size) for an accurate result.
- triSurfaceDifference
- Calculates the difference between the average values of fields on two specified triangulated surfaces.
- triSurfaceVolumetricFlowRate
- Calculates volumetric flow rate through a specified triangulated surface by interpolating velocity onto the triangles and integrating over the surface area. Triangles need to be small (¡= cell size) for an accurate result.
7.3.14 Meshing
7.3.15 ‘Pluggable’ solvers
- particles
- Tracks a cloud of parcels driven by the flow of the continuous phase.
- phaseScalarTransport
- Solves a transport equation for a scalar field within one phase of a multiphase simulation.
- scalarTransport
- Solves a transport equation for a scalar field.
7.3.16 Visualisation tools
- cutPlaneSurface
- Writes out cut-plane surface files with interpolated field data in VTK format.
- isoSurface
- Writes out iso-surface files with interpolated field data in VTK format.
- patchSurface
- Writes out patch surface files with interpolated field data in VTK format.
- streamlinesLine
- Writes out files of stream lines with interpolated field data in VTK format, with initial points uniformly distributed along a line.
- streamlinesPatch
- Writes out files of stream lines with interpolated field data in VTK format, with initial points randomly selected within a patch.
- streamlinesPoints
- Writes out files of stream lines with interpolated field data in VTK format, with specified initial points.
- streamlinesSphere
- Writes out files of stream lines with interpolated field data in VTK format, with initial points randomly selected within a sphere.
OpenFOAM v11 User Guide - 7.3 Post-processing functionality