6.3 Basic boundary conditions

The main basic boundary condition types available in OpenFOAM are summarised below using a patch field named eqn. This is not a complete list; for all types see $FOAM_SRC/finiteVolume/fields/fvPatchFields/basic.

  • fixedValue: value of eqn is specified by value.

  • fixedGradient: normal gradient of eqn (eqn) is specified by gradient.

  • zeroGradient: normal gradient of eqn is zero.

  • calculated: patch field eqn calculated from other patch fields.

  • mixed: mixed fixedValue/ fixedGradient condition depending on valueFraction eqn where

     { valueFraction = 1 corresponds to Ψ = refValue, 0 corresponds to ∂Ψ ∕∂n = refGradient. \relax \special {t4ht=
  • directionMixed: mixed condition with tensorial valueFraction, to allow different conditions in normal and tangential directions of a vector patch field, e.g. fixedValue in the tangential direction, zeroGradient in the normal direction.

OpenFOAM v12 User Guide - 6.3 Basic boundary conditions
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